Page 18 - 북하특품사업단
P. 18

HISTORY                             끊임없는�고민과�변화, 도전정신으로


            We have continued our 30-year tradition with constant thought, change, and a challenging spirit.

             1990        As part of the Saemaul Undong, the Bukha Specialties Business Group was formed under
                         the "One Specialty product for One town" Policy.

                         품목�다변화에�따른�장류, 전통�장아찌류, 김치류�제조, 각�고속도로�휴게소�직납
             1998        Manufacturing sauces, traditional pickles and kimchi according to item diversification

                         Direct contract and supply to each highway rest area

                         서울�농협�창동�하나로�클럽에�고정�입점, 장성군수�표창�수상
             2002        Entered in Hanaro Club in Chang-dong, Nonghyup, Seoul
                         Received a commendation from the Mayor of Jangseong

             2005        Started exporting to America by securing an export network

             2006        Self-inspection request contract with Sunchang-gun Food Science Research Institute

                         법인�전환�대표�정병준 (최초�사업단�인원 100% 유지�및�신규�인원�유입)
             2008        담양�늘푸른�죽향농원과�친환경�농산물�계약재배�및�가공, 판매�계약�체결
                         Corporate CEO conversion to Byung-Jun Jeong, (maintaining 100% of the number of employees
                         in the first business group and introducing new personnel)
                         Signed contract for cultivation, processing, and sales of eco-friendly agricultural products with
                         Damyang Neulpurun Jukhyang Farm

                         마을단지�반찬산업화�사업�추진으로�신규 2공장�신축, 신축공장�규격화�표준�작업장�완료
             2010        유통표준코드�등록, 전라남도지사�표창�수상�전�대표�오명애, 현�대표�정병준
                         Construction of 2 new factories with the promotion of the town side dish industrialization project
                         Completion of standardized workshop for new factory
                         Distribution standard code registration, Jeollanam-do Governor Award

                         제품�다변화�및�건�나물류�신제품�출시, 북하면�약수리�내�비닐하우스 3동에서�건나물류�및�무청시래기�건조
             2011        Product diversification and launch of new dried vegetables

                         Drying dried greens and radish in 3 greenhouses in Yaksuri, Buk-myeon

             2012        Launched vegetable prototypes and started export relay trade to America

             2013        수출�무역업�활성화   Activation of export trade
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