Page 19 - 북하특품사업단
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since 2008                              since 2016

            2014        Fixed contract with KORAIL distribution

                        농협 KACM 실사�통과, 농식품부장관�표창�수상, 전라남도농업인대상�북하특품사업단㈜ 대표이사�정병준�수상
            2015        농촌융복합산업�사업자�인증 (6차산업�인증), 경기도�구리에�서울물류센터�개소
                        Passed the Nonghyup KACM due diligence, received a commendation from the Minister of Agriculture,
                        Food and Rural Affairs, Jeollanam-do Farmers Award Bukha Teugpum Sa-eobdan,
                        CEO Jeong Byung-jun.  Rural Convergence Industry Business Certification (6th Industry Certification)
                        Seoul Logistics Center opened in Guri, Gyeonggi-do

            2016        특허 1건�등록 (감식초에�침지시킨�삼채를�이용한�절임식품�및�젓갈류�제조방법)
                        상표권 2건�등록(북하특품사업단, 북하특품관광농원)
                        전라남도지사품질인증�재획득, 북하특품�관광농원�주식회사�신규�설립
                        Establishment of Bukha Specialty Tourism Farm Co., Ltd.,
                        Registered patent (Method for manufacturing pickled foods and salted seafood using three vegetables
                        immersed in persimmon vinegar)
                        Registered two trademark rights (Bukha Specialty Business Group, Bukha Special Tourism Farm)
                        Re-acquisition of quality certification from Jeollanam-do Governor

                        전통식품�인증�획득, 특허 1건�추가�등록 (볶음굴비고추장�제조방법), 하이서울어워드�인증�획득,
            2017        전라남도지사표창�수상, 농협하나로유통과�직접�공급계약�체결로�목포, 남악점�등�지역�농협에�상시�공급

                        Acquired traditional food certification, Registered one additional patent (roasted oyster and red pepper
                        paste manufacturing method), Acquired Hi Seoul Award certification, Jeollanam-do Governor Award
                        Regular supply to local Nonghyup including Mokpo Namak branch by signing a direct supply contract
                        with Nonghyup Hanaro Distribution

                        ISO 22000 인증�획득, 광주전남중소벤쳐기업청장�표창�수상
            2018        Acquired ISO 22000 certification, commendation from Gwangju Jeonnam Small and Medium Venture

                        Business Administration

                        FSSC 22000 인증�획득, ITQI 인증�원스타�획득, 특허청장표창�수상
            2019        Acquired FSSC 22000 Certification, ITQI Certification One-Star, Korean Intellectual Property Office
                        Commendation Award

                        전라남도�시장개척단 1회, 해외�박람회 4회 (일본, 베트남, 카자흐스탄, 중국청도)
            2020        한국무형문화유산�명인�선정 (대표�정병준), 제3공장�관광농원�개소

                        Jeollanam-do Market Pioneer Team, 4 overseas exhibitions (Japan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Qingdao, China)
                        Selected as a Master of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Korea (CEO Byung-Jun Jeong)
                        Opened 3rd factory tourist farm
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