Page 20 - 북하특품사업단
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GLOBAL 다양한�유통채널�및�파트너사와�함께
with various distribution channels and partners We are expanding our business worldwide.
북하특품사업단은 2009년도�미국�캘리포니아주�부에나파크에�현지�매장�설립을�시작으로�호주, 일본, 동남아시아�등�세계�각지에
북하의�제품을�판매하고�있습니다. 이에�만족하지�않고�원활한�수출을�위해�국제�규격인 FDA 승인, ISO 22000과 FSSC 22000 인증을
획득하여�식품�안전성을�입증받고, 나아가 ITQI(국제식음료품평회)에서 1스타를�받는�쾌거를�이뤄냈습니다.
또한�간편함과�새로움을�추구하는�현대인의�라이프�스타일을�반영해�소포장�용기�개발, 캐릭터�도입�등�참신함을�더해�공격적인
마케팅을�펼치고�있습니다. 한국�전통식품이�가지는�건강한�맛과�자연과의�조화로운�식단을�더�많은�나라�사람에게�널리�알리고자
Bukha Teugpum Sa-eobdan is a global company that makes traditional Korean food in a new style according to the
values of modern people.
Starting with the establishment of a local store in Buena Park, California, USA in 2009, Bukha Teugpum Sa-eobdan
has been selling Bukha products all over the world, including Australia, Japan, and Southeast Asia. We have also
obtained FDA approval, ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000 certification to meet with the international standards not only
for exporting but to provide food safety which had led to achieve 1 star in the ITQI (International Food and Beverage
Fair). In addition, we are conducting aggressive marketing by adding novelties such as development of small pack-
aging containers and introduction of characters to reflect the lifestyle of modern people who seek simplicity and
Bukha is devoted to spread the healthy taste of traditional
Korean food and dietary harmony with nature to more
people in the world.
Bukha Teugpum Sa-eobdan