Page 9 - 북하특품사업단
P. 9

P7                                                       P8

                            깻잎매실간장장아찌                                               깻잎장아찌
                            seasoned perilla                                        seasoned perilla
                            leaves in soy                                           leaves kimchi

      들깻잎, 한식조선간장(콩,물,천일염,홍고추,삼채분말),                           들깻잎, 홍고추, 청고추, 한식조선간장(콩, 물, 천일염,
      감식초, 매실액기스, 삼채분말                                         홍고추, 삼채분말), 마늘, 생강, 천일염, 삼채분말

      Sesame leaf, soy sauce, persimmon vinegar,               Sesame leaf, red pepper, green pepper, soy
      plum extract, hooker chives powder                       souce, garlic, ginger, salt, hooker chives powder

          150g       400g        5kg        10kg                   150g       400g        5kg        10kg

                            P11                                                      P12

                            매실고추장장아찌                                                명이매실간장장아찌
                            seasoned plum with                                      seasoned siberian
                            red pepper paste                                        onion in soy

      매실, 고추장(찹쌀,콩,물,엿기름,천일염,삼채분말),                            들깻잎, 한식조선간장(콩,물,천일염,홍고추,삼채분말),
      감식초, 매실액기스, 설탕, 삼채분말                                     감식초, 매실액기스, 삼채분말
      plum, red pepper paste, persimmon vinegar,               siberian onion, soy sauce, persimmon vinegar,
      plum extract, sugar, hooker chives powder                plum extract, hooker chives powder

          150g       400g        5kg        10kg                   150g       400g        5kg        10kg


                            oriental melon with
                            red pepper paste

      참외, 고추장(찹쌀,콩,물,엿기름,천일염,삼채분말),
      감식초, 매실액기스, 삼채분말
      oriental melon, red pepper paste, persimmon
      vinegar, plum extract, hooker chives powder

          150g       400g        5kg        10kg
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