Page 4 - 북하특품사업단
P. 4
“한국무형문화유산�전통절임식품” 부문
최연소�명인을�획득한 정병준�대표
Korean Intangible Cultural Heritage Traditional Pickled Foods
“CEO Byeong-Jun Jeong” Youngest to be named Master
입혀�타�제품과�차별화시킨 ‘명인병준’이름과�얼굴을�제품에
내세운� 만큼� 고객에게� 신뢰를� 주는� 제품을� 만들겠다는
'Master Byeong-Jun' was differentiated from other
products by applying youthful sense away from the
static image that comes to mind when thinking of
traditional masters. It is a representative brand in
Bukha that contains the will of Master Byeong-Jun
to create products that give customers trust by
putting hisr name and face on his products.
BUKHA is practicing continuous brand development
in order to approach customers in a more friendly
농업회사법인 북하특품사업단(주)
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