Page 3 - 북하특품사업단
P. 3
맛깔스런 자연주의 위생적인 친환경 한식의
반찬 제조공법 생산라인 패키지 세계화
Natural way to Eco-Friendly Globalization
Tasty Side-dishes Hygiene Production
Produce Goods Package of K-Food
북하특품사업단은 "장성군�북하면의�전통식품�전문회사"로�인공첨가제를�넣지�않고
상생의�가치를�실현하고�있으며, 자연을�생각한�패키지로�환경오염의�부담을�줄여나가고�있습니다.
Bukha Teugpum Sa-eobdan is a "traditional food company in Bukha-myeon,
Jangseong-gun" without artificial additives.
We adhere to the naturalistic method of manufacturing each one by hand with sincerity.
We maintain the quality of taste through a hygienic and safe process.
In addition, by receiving agricultural products obtained from our nature and manufacturing,
we realize the value of coexistence and reducing the burden of environmental pollution
with a package that considers nature.