Page 2 - 북하특품사업단
P. 2

Ҋёীѱח Ѥъೠ ݍਸ  ֪оীѱח ࢚ࢤਸ   ੗োীѱח ଼੐хਸ

          ࣁ҅ীח ೠҴ ੹ాधಿ੄ ੉֛ਸ ૑ெաцפ׮

          북하특품사업단은� 농촌소득증대의� 일환으로� 장성군� 북하면� 약수리� 주민  10여가구가� 모여� 전통식품과� 특산품을� 생산,
          판매하기�위하여 1990년도에�자치적으로�결정한�회사입니다.
          장성군의�특산품인�감을�이용한�감식초, 감잎차를�시작으로�장아찌, 김치, 장류, 젓갈류, 전통식품�등을�제조하고�있습니다.
          한결같은�맛과�경영으로 30년�전통을�이어온�북하특품사업단은�새로운�도약을�위해�끊임없이�도전해가고�있습니다.

          Bukha Teugpum Sa-eobdan is a company that was decided autonomously in 1990 to produce and sell traditional
          foods and special products by 10 households from Yaksu-ri, Buk-ha-myeon, Jangseong-gun, as part of increasing
          rural income.
          Starting with persimmon vinegar and persimmon leaf tea, which are special products of Jangseong-gun, we are
          manufacturing pickles, kimchi, soy sauce, salted seafood, and traditional foods. The Bukha Teugpum Sa-eobdan,
          which has continued its 30-year tradition with consistent taste and management, is constantly challenging for a
          new leap forward.
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