Page 5 - 북하특품사업단
P. 5


                                           오늘도�맛깔나는�한�상을�위해 ‘열정불꽃’을�태웁니다.

                                           With over 30 years of expertise, Master Jun connects
                                           the traditional with the modern taste for the millennial lifestyle.
                                           Even today he is devoted to prepare the delicious plate
                                           with the flame of passion.

            Since 1990, 북하의�음식은�자식에게�먹일�전라남도�엄마의�밑반찬에서�시작되었습니다.

            잘�다니던�대기업을�그만두고�어머니를�대신해�반찬사업을�이어받았으나, 26세라는�젊은�나이와�경험부족에서�오는
            많은�어려움이�있었습니다. 그럴�때마다 ‘내�자신도�속이지�말고, 남도�속이지�말자�부끄럽지�않은�오늘이�나의�길을
            만들어� 간다’라는� 분명한� 목표를� 가지고� 매일� 열정적으로� 현장을� 돌보고� 정직한� 반찬을� 만들어� 온� 결과
            어필할�수�있는�실용적인�제품을�구현했습니다. 나아가�한국�전통식품�불모지인�미국, 호주�및�동남아시아, 일본�등지에

           ‘명인병준’은� 끊임없는� 도전과� 혁신적인� 메뉴� 개발로� 고객� 여러분께� 밥맛� 돋우는� 반찬을� 전해� 드리고자� 성실히

            Since 1990, Bukha's food started from side dishes made by mothers in Jeollanam-do for their children.

            Byeong-Jun resigned from his prior work to inherit the side dish business from his mother.
            There were many difficulties due to the young age of 26 with lack of experience.
            All this time, with the clear goal of ‘Do not deceive yourself nor deceive others, Honest today makes my way
            proud', he became the youngest Master in Korean intangible cultural heritage in pickled products
            He is thriving to become a Master who pioneers traditions rather than just keeping them by creating new
            recipes which adds a spirit of experimentation and implemented practical products that could appeal to
            Furthermore, he has developed new export routes not only in the United States but in Australia, Southeast
            Asia  and  Japan  where  traditional  Korean  food  is  barren  to  lead  the  globalization  of  Jangseong-gun

            ' ‘Master un' is dedicated for continuous challenge and innovative menu development to bring delicious side
            dishes to our customers.
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